Pattern Library


AdPubs Labels

If an article is not created by the newsroom/news service (AP, etc.) or it is posted in section managed by Advertising Publications, we need to label it to indicate it is a sponsored post of some sort.

These are news posts that are sponsored. They are assigned the “Sponsored” section or assigned to the “Explore” section with an advertiser selected.

Section Blocks

AdPubs labels can appear in two locations depending on where an headline appears in a section block:

Below the headline with a grey background if applies to the featured post’s headline in the left column of a below-the-fold section block. We also need to use .adpubs-label--featured class to allow for different spacing beneath the headline.

Above the headline with a grey background if it is part of the list in the middle column of a below-the-fold section block. Add.adpubs-label--list to give the label the correct margins.

Provided by Sponsor Name

AdPubs Posts

These are posts that are for AdPubs. They are assigned the “Explore” section or subsections with “Explore” as the parent without an advertiser selected.

Section Blocks

AdPubs labels can appear in two locations depending on where an headline appears in a section block:
Section Blocks in the AdPubs sections, “Explore” and “Sponsored” do not display “Produced By Advertising Publications”. The large label at the top of the page is sufficient enough to no need to display the label on each post. If there is a sponsored advertiser, then we display “Provided By Advertiser Name” If on a news section we always display the adpubs label everywhere it is relevant

Below the headline with a grey background if applies to the featured post’s headline in the left column of a below-the-fold section block. We also need to use .adpubs-label--featured class to allow for different spacing beneath the headline.

Above the headline with a grey background if it is part of the list in the middle column of a below-the-fold section block. Add.adpubs-label--list to give the label the correct margins.

Produced By Advertising Publications