Pattern Library

Pattern Library

The Seattle Times' Pattern Library is a collection of design standards and code snippets for quickly and easily designing and building consistent user interfaces.

What it covers

This is a living styles library for two core Seattle Times products:

What it does not cover

The Seattle Times collection of products have pattern distinctions that crossover to varying degrees. Some of the products not represented here include:

What is a pattern?

A pattern is a reusable, global design solution. Designs that are short-lived (AB tested or one-offs) should not be added to the library.

Who maintains the library?

As our digital products grow, so does the living library. For larger updates, dev and design work together to define how to add new sections, patterns or resources to the library.

For maintenance updates, dev and design are responsibility for their sections. There can be crossover with dev, but typically designers update documentation involving style, UX best practices and creating new icons while developers add new patterns as live code and the documentation.


To ensure ST digital products are inclusive to everyone in our community, the UX, IT and Product teams agreed on a set of minimum requirements in the summer of 2019. These are defined by the Accessibility Checklist that is located in the Accessibility section of this site. Guidelines are also provided in context throughout the Pattern Library. Be familiar with the WCAG 2.0 AA guidelines to ensure our products are compliant with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act.

Getting Started

The Seattle Times Pattern Library is composed of two sets of tools:

Whether you are a developer in need of UI components or a designer putting together a wire frame, the following guides will help get you started:


The Pattern Library provides a set of documentation for using UI patterns in your mock ups and prototypes. To get you up and running quickly, here are a few resources, just for designers.

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ST UI is a robust base system to build out core experiences and interfaces consistently across browsers, devices, and user types. ST UI is extensible and flexible.

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