The color palette is designed to be a visual language to guide users without getting in the way of their news reading experience. The colors are an extension of the overall Seattle Times brand colors, maintaining a tone of sophistication and authority. Subscription (SSO) colors are the same as the news site with a few variations. The Marketing brand palette is more distinctive.
Our site colors adhere to WCAG 2.0 contrast standards.
Primary Colors
Primary colors do the heavy lifting for the design system. Here are a few patterns in use:
- Off Black: headlines, body copy, navigation labels, block headers
- Middle Gray: captions, masthead/utility links (Traffic, Log in)
- Light Gray: horizontal and vertical rules and borders
Off Black
Dark Gray
Middle Gray
Mid Light Gray
Light Gray
Lightest Gray
Dark Off White
Off White
Secondary Colors
The secondary colors provide visual punch for elements that need to stand out. Here are a few usage patterns:
- Blue: buttons, text links, category eyebrows
- Orange: Minor breaking news like traffic alerts, time-stamped stories
- Orange Highlight: Subscribe buttons on marketing pages (subscribe landing), hover color of orange text link on a black background
- Dark Orange: Hover color of orange text link on a white background
Orange Highlight
Dark Orange
Tertiary Colors
The tertiary colors are used in special cases. Use sparingly. Here are a few usage patterns:
- Red: Major breaking news, errors
- Green: Check marks
- Goldenrod: Subhead on a Takeover section page
- Bright Blue: Text links for low contrast scenarios (links on gray backgrounds)
Bright Blue
Dusty Blue
Light Dusty Blue
Social Media Colors